Aida Alonso-del Valle | Univ Ramón y Cajal, Spain | Variability of plasmid fitness effects contributes to plasmid persistence in bacterial communities |
Robert Moran | Univ Birmingham, UK | Evolution and horizontal transfer of plasmids in an intensive care unit Acinetobacter baumannii population |
Theophile Niault | Inst Pasteur, France | The additional and unique domain of chromosome 2 initiator mediates replication coordination in Vibrio cholera |
Jana Palkovičová | Univ Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Studies, Czech Rep | Fitness effect of CTX-M-encoding IncF plasmids on their native Escherichia coli ST131 hosts |
Rafael Pinilla-Redondo | Univ Copenhagen, Denmark | Discovery of multiple anti-CRISPRs highlights anti-defense gene clustering in mobile genetic elements |
Chloé Virolle | Univ Lyon, France | Study of the leading region gene yfjB and its role during F plasmid conjugation |